I spend a great deal of time surfing the web and have found a number of incredible sites that I would like to share with you.
Everyone knows about Google Mailbut few really experience the full potential of Google Mail. You get unlimited amount of storage space so swapping large text files or photo is a snap.
A very well known site called Log Me Inprovides a variety of services to allow businesses and individuals to connect their computers very securely. It is one of the best IT tools that is being offered on the Internet today. The cost for an account is astronomically low for the high powered secure services offered.
If you are like me you have hundreds of accounts all over the internet and many more on the way. Even if you are a part time surfer of the internet you will find that you will gain a lot of accounts. The easiest way to fall prey to intruders is to use the same user name and password for all your accounts. One of the safest and easiest ways to secure your surfing is to use a secure database program. There is one that is built into MS but it is not secure enough and easily hacked into. That is where Roboformin. Roboformonly secures your user name passwords but will create a secure password on the fly that will pass those security requirements on some sites. Click on the links and download a free trial (limited to 7 accounts) version to see if it is something that you can use. The cost is not very much for the security of your accounts.
A very interesting site that doesn't cost anything is the Global Incident Mapwhere it shows you the ongoing terrorist type of attacks throughout the world. It is updated on a regular basis to show the changes that occur.
On the same line of very interesting free sites you might like to visit is the World Clock. I find it very interesting in that it gives a lot of information. It is not meant to be accepted as perfect but it is very close to the actual figures and it is staggering to say the least.
Do you support the Troops? Would you like to do so? It is Free to do so Click Hereand send a postcard to the troops thanking them for their sacrifices.
How about getting your own Hollywood Walk of the Stars plaque that you can place on your web site?
Would you like to know your life expectancy? Just for gags this site is great. No need to take it seriously. Click Here
This is just the beginning. I sure hope that you will visit these sites and get the bargains that are available on the internet. Will leave you with this one last link for today. Roboform is running what they call a Black Friday till 11/26/07 for 33% off your first license. This is a great savings. Rush on over there today before it is too late. Roboform Download your free copy by clicking on the link then once you've installed and updated buy a 33% off license and you may not regret it
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