Thinking About Retiring In The Uk? Think Again!
The big, blank eye of bureaucracy stares back at me every time I think about that golden retirement. How on earth am I going to achieve a secure retirement on a British pension? Even with a private one, Im thousands down on what I should have tucked away already.I had a look at what Standard Life calculated my real retirement age to be in the United Kingdom as a person with no retirement savings and the reality is Ill be looking
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thinking About Retiring In The Uk? Think Again!
Friday, October 22, 2010
8 Ways For Internet Marketing Affiliate Program To Work
8 Ways For Internet Marketing Affiliate Program To Work
Starting an internet business can be of all excitement and surprises. It is free style that anyone can have their own way of earning money online. The fastest and easiest way to start internet marketing is through internet marketing affiliate program.
It is easy that it is possible to get started right away at this moment to start creating an income path for yourself online. There is absolutely no cost, no background and eve
Alternative Savings Accounts: Save With Purpose
Alternative Savings Accounts: Save With Purpose
How to Find the Most Competitive Savings Rates
While most individuals believe there is very little difference between the different types of savings accounts, the reality is there are many different kinds to choose from with varying savings rates. The savings rate you receive depends heavily on the type of savings account you choose. Below is an overview of some of the savings plans that are available.
Traditional Savings
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Lastest "energy" auctions
Most popular energy eBay auctions:
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[wprebay kw="energy" num="60" ebcat="all"]
Breaking bad habits and making savings habits!
Breaking bad habits and making savings habits!
I'll never forget that look my father gave me. His lips pursed in frustration, eyes aflame, brow creased like a rusted piece of corrugated iron in ridges of displeasure. And that finger, shaking with rage, levelled at me. "No son of mine is going to be a dancer!" My mother, passive but shrewd in her neutrality, new full well that I wouldn't make it (there is a genetically-proven lack of rhythm in our family) and just smiled
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
101 ways to save $500 a month
101 ways to save 0 a month
101 Ways to Save 0 or More Every Month
Trim the fat not the fun from your budget
By Bryan Daly
This special report will provide you with 101 ways to save money on everyday items.
#1 Shop One Per Week – It is a known fact that grocery stores are set up specifically to entice you into spending more than you intended. Impulse purchases can increase your grocery bill by as much as 35%. Avoid this by shopping only once per week and slash an
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Most popular "education" auctions
Some recent education auctions on eBay:
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[wprebay kw="education" num="11" ebcat="all"]
[wprebay kw="education" num="12" ebcat="all"]
Rules for Saving
Rules for Saving
Remember Aesop's fable of the grasshopper and the ants? When winter came, the grasshopper went hungry because of a lack of adequate preparation. The story is used to teach children the value of hard work and saving.Today's world promotes spending making saving up very hard to do. Temptations abound everywhere. However, adequately preparing for the uncertain future can certainly help when the unforeseen strikes.Saving money provides you with a benefit
Generating Wind Energy
Generating Wind Energy
Just like solar energy, wind energy is another environment-friendly and economical energy source. With almost 40% of wind energy sources of Europe in the United Kingdom, there is immense potential to use wind energy as a source of energy. Generating power through wind is not only efficient but also renewable like solar energy. The only downside is that a tall, moderately sized generator can be a sore eye and spoil the visual landscape, leading to murmurs of
Monday, October 18, 2010
Coupon Mom: Savings Intervention
Stacey has a serious problems with spending. She knows she needs to save money but just doesn't do it. Her best friend Sara reaches out to Coupon Mom to stage a Savings Intervention! Stacey is going to get a no nonsense crash course on how to cut her bill by more than
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pension Problems
West Virginia cities such as Huntington are struggling to pay for police and fire pensions and are looking to the Legislature for help.
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