Monday, June 12, 2006

Technology is wonderful...

Technology is allowing me to connect to the internet even though my electricity is off. I've got a laptop that is running off of battery power and a wireless connection. The wireless connection is a bit slow and often won't load a web page the first time but at least I'm online. What caused this to happen? A wind storm that knocked over a big tree and damaged the electrical boxes.

I'm a internet junkie in that I can't get enough of the internet. With my laptop I terribly limited as to what I can do but at least I'm online. The term "junkie" doesn't have to be a bad thing. I've learned (brain bench transcript id 191052) a great deal by sitting here at my wonderful computer.

I have not yet got the total knack for posting to blogs just yet which is why I have not posted anywhere else except on my own blogs.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Do not get sold on buying a new computer just because industry experts say
that they are obsolete after 4 years. Many computer models can be updated
and upgraded by simply replacing specific parts and installing new software.

If you cannot decide weather you need to buy or repair, here's the basic rule
of thumb to guide you in making that decision: Purchase a new computer if
the replacement parts or software necessary to bring it up to date cost more
than 50% of its original purchase price.

If your company (business) buys a new computer model, it should consider
selling the old one. There are secondary markets who export old computers
to Third World countries. The average resale price of a 3-year old system
is usually 10% to 15% of the original purchase price.