Sunday, August 10, 2008

How to own more than one domain for FREE

The new domain name breed

By Mobear410

1) Do you own a domain name?
2) Do you want to own more domain names but can't afford it?
3) Would you like to own some niche domains that earn you residual income?
4) Have you been holding back on getting on the Niche gravy train because
    of domain names costing so much to "rent"?

Well now you can just by owning 1 or more domains you can own hundreds of
domains quickly and very affordable.
First learn how your hosting service sets up sub domains. If your hosting
service does not allow for sub domains then it might be time to look elsewhere
for hosting or finding out what it will cost to upgrade so that you can have
sub domains.

Recommended hosting:

Where to get your Free Domain Name

Build your site and upload it to your sub domain and the new url should look

something like this

Now that you have the new sub domain set up it is time to turn it into a full

domain name.

For example:

This site is going to be all about hairdriers but this seems a bit confusing to
people so how about

and you can even choose the icon associated with the domain, and add keywords. What is even better is that the domain name is listed internationally so you get world wide coverage and this helps your overall scores with the search engines.

You can build a huge niche of web pages linked to your main web site and get a
lot of targeted traffic that way.

Here is what we've done so far

Main domain (demo only)

Sub domain (demo only)

New domain

There are dozens of extensions to choose from but the domain names are going
fast so you better rush on over there and sign up today.
It is free so why not take advantage of it rather than use the short re-routing
urls that many people have been using this could revolutionize the way domain
names are listed.

Even if you don't want to own "niche" domains this gives you a way to own a
great deal of domains without the maintence cost of each of the domain names. If for example you

own 30 domains at $7 - $12 / domain / year can be quite spendy.

This way you can own 3 main domains

Dozens of sub domains

Dozens of regular internationally listed domains

Happy Surfing to all.

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