Monday, October 09, 2006

Flex Your Rights Today

How to survive the system. This video helps explain how the best way to protect your rights when stopped by a police officer. Check it out today and protect yourself as well as your rights.
Flex Your Rights
For a short video sample follow this link

Flex Your Rights Video Sample

Have a safe and wonderful (Columbus) day

How to survive the system...

Have you ever had an encounter with a police officer and afterwards you realize that it could have turned out so different had you responded properly? Well Flex Your Rights Today Go to Flex Your Rights Web site and find out more today. Would you like to see a sample of the DVD video that you can purchase? Visit Flex Your Rights Video Sample

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Technology runs wild

Have you ever wanted to use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and not wanted to install a FTP client? Well now you can. At FTP Live You must know the basics for using FTP but for a seasoned user this is great for those quick uploads or download.